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Amazing results using Petlife’s KarmaWrap

Rehoming an adult dog like Lily can also mean inheriting doggie behavioural bad habits which only comes to light once they have settled into their new home. Lily bounced into the lives of the Long family recently and quickly established a place in their hearts.Lily in KarmaWrap

Once her paws were under the table, she started to show signs of stress and anxiety, all displayed in an unsettling manner for her new family. The noise of the doorbell caused excessive barking; guests entering the house caused her to jump up at shoulder level and sometimes unexpectedly and whilst out walking cars passing sent her into a barking frenzy. The situations failed to improve after consulting with an animal behaviourist and trying several other methods of calming.

A friend recommended Petlife’s KarmaWrap, a tested and approved method of calming a dog in stressful situations. The coat gives the pet a natural and firm hug which instantly calms the animal down in 99% of situations in the home and when travelling, and works well at noisy times of the year too such as fireworks night.

Since using KarmaWrap peace has been restored to the household and both Lily and her new family are more than enjoying each other’s company.

See a before and after below of Lily reacting to the doorbell.

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