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New improved WipeOut Trigger Spray from Petlife

Flea control has never been so easy and environmentally friendly in the home, using the new improved WipeOut Trigger Spray from Petlife.Wipeout 500ml Spray Bottle

Petlife International has re packaged Wipe Out spray, its best-selling, environmentally friendly and 100% effective flea control product, moving it to a more user friendly bottle with a trigger style spray. Aside from being a more environmentally friendly container, customers will enjoy 66% more coverage and at a lower cost.

A problem all year round, fleas particularly thrive in warmer conditions and are more likely to settle in their immediate environment – like your furnishings and carpets. Surprisingly fleas on a pet represent only 5% of the flea population and this small amount is usually picked up by the pet from within the home. With the other 95% lurking in carpets and furniture it is therefore as important to treat the home as it is to treat the animal.

Chemicals have traditionally been used to control fleas and mites, triggering allergies, damaging materials and having a detrimental effect on the environment. Many conventional home treatments are slow to work, and do not stop pupae from hatching. As soon as one set of fleas is wiped out, new fleas develop and the problem continues- meaning you spend more money on treating the problem.

Petlife International has a pesticide free product which rewrites the way consumers can deal with pests in the home and on their pets. Wipeout seals adult fleas, eggs, larvae and pupae by engulfing them in a sticky trap of silicones. Fleas and larvae are rendered helpless and immobile. Eggs and pupae are unable to hatch. This means that unlike other treatments, Wipeout does not require you to vacuum on a daily basis to stimulate the pupae to hatch before the pesticides are able to work.

A quick spray around your home is all that’s needed to safely eliminate all fleas for at least six weeks, and there is no need to clear the area being treated. Coupled with a spot on treatment given directly to your pet, the problem should effectively be eliminated. Wipeout contains silicones which are completely safe and used in everyday household products and cosmetics.

Wipeout belongs to the Petlife family of innovative products which includes the original Vetbed – as recommended by vets across the globe. The brand new trigger spray bottle is available here


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